Generative Anthropology Summer Conference 2019


New York Seminar & Conference Center, 71 W 23rd St

Friday, June 14

Registration:  09:00-9:30

Session 1: 9:30-11:00

Marina Ludwigs (Stockholm University), “Hierarchical thinking, grammatical structures,          and the originary scene”

Andrew Bartlett (Kwantlen Polytechnic Univrsity), “Toward a Minimal Model of Human            Fear”

Matthew Schneider (High Point University), “Metaphysical Desire Revisited: The Case of            Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria”

Session 2: 11:15-12:45

Joel Davis (Independent Scholar), “Hyperspherical Aperspectivity – The Emergent                       Frontier of Moral Innovation”

Adam Katz (Quinnipiac University), “The Linguistic Turn and Generative Literacy”

Moritz Bierling (Independent Scholar), “State of (the) Communion: After the Victimary                 Paradigm”

Lunch: 12:45-1:45

Session 3: 2-3:30

Magdalena Zlocka-Dabrowska (Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University), “Generative                           Anthropology and the Scene of Origin as a ‘Turn to Humanity’”

Lucius Redmond (Independent Scholar), “Completing the Linguistic Turn”

Matthew Taylor (Kinjo Gakuin University), “Beholding the Beholder’s Eye: Beauty and                      Mimetic Effects in Jane Austen”

Session 4: 3:45-5:15

Eric Gans (UCLA), “The Deferral of Violence Through Representation: Why We Need the                  Origin of Language”

Evening:  Optional Restaurant Dinner – Location TBA


Saturday, June 15

Session 5: 9:30-11:00

Dominic Mitchell (University of Bath), “Difference and  Deferral in the World of STEM”

Sandor Goodhart (Purdue University), “Turning and Turning: René Girard, Eric Gans,                        Language and Representation”

Ken Mayers (Independent Scholar), “Linguistic Turners at the Mad Tea Party”

Session 6: 11:15-12:45

Martin Fashbaugh (Black Hills State University), Language, Culture, Banality, and                                 Resentment: The “Re-Turn” from the Linguistic in Robert Louis Stevenson’s The                   Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Lahoucine Ouzgane (University of Alberta), “The limitations of identity politics in Leila                         Slimani’s Chanson douce

Benjamin Barber (United International College), “The Legacy of Bataille’s Ostensive                             towards Totality and the Posthumanist Anti-Linguistic Turn”

Lunch: 12:45-1:45

Session 7: 2-3:30

Andrew McKenna (Loyola University Chicago), “Shakespeare’s Linguistic Turn in King                          Lear

Richard van Oort (University of Victoria), “Shakespeare’s Heroines: The Constancy of                            Love”

Ian Dennis (University of Ottawa), “’Bonnie and Clyde’ and ‘The Highwaymen’: Cinematic                    Resentment and Cinematic History”

Session 8: 3:45-5:15

Final Roundtable Discussion

Generative Anthropology Society Business Meeting

Anthropoetics XXIV, no. 2 Spring 2019

Catching Up

We regret that GA News has been inactive over the past year, and did not report on 2018’s GASC in Warsaw, hosted by the indefatigable Magdalena Zlocka-Dabrowska, nor on the latest issues of Anthropoetics.

These issues are accessible through our website at …

and the Warsaw conference program is available at

We will make every effort to keep up with the GA news from now on!

Eric Gans
Editor, Anthropoetics

Eleventh Annual (Tenth Anniversary) GASC at Stockholm University

The Eleventh Annual Generative Anthropology Summer Conference was held at Stockholm University on June 10-12, hosted by GA stalwart Marina Ludwigs, who is a professor in the English Department here. It featured three keynote speakers and 23 other sessions (including three Skype sessions). There were presentations by a remarkable 14 first-time participants, many of them graduate students and junior faculty.

We thank Stockholm University and its English Department for their contribution to the conference, as well as for the friendly, positive (and apolitical) atmosphere that reigned throughout. Special thanks are due Marina for putting it all together, as well as to Ben Matthews, who built the conference website and provided other assistance, Skyping in his paper from Australia.

The banquet in one of Stockholm’s classic waterfront restaurants was also a great success. Participants  enjoyed the long, cool, sunlit June evenings in this northern city where the streets remained crowded until midnight, as well as its many museums and historic monuments.

Plans are already under way for next year’s conference, to be hosted by Magdalena Złocka-Dąbrowska in Warsaw.



Anthropoetics 22, 1

Anthropoetics XXII, no. 1
Fall 2016

2016 Conference Issue

Kiyoshi Kawahara and Matthew Taylor –
Introduction to the 2016 Conference Issue


Kinjo Occult Research Group –
A Door to another World: The Imagination in Japanese Folkways and Religion

Aya Ryusawa –
Mastering the Visualization of Heroic Narratives within Daimyō Families: The Illustrated Scroll of Shutendōji in the Edo period

[Japanese version]

Kenshin Kirihara –The Birth of a Myth: Civil War and Sacrifice in Early Meiji Japan
[Japanese version]

Shoko Komatsu –The Haunted Mansion and <Woman>:
Otherworldly Apparitions in the Modern Cities of Japan

[Japanese version]

Ian Dennis – “More Skilled Practitioners of Wanting”: Buddhism and Romanticism in the Market World

Edmond Wright – How to read religious poems anthropoetically (using examples from Gerard Manley Hopkins and Kobayashi Issa)

Magdalena Złocka – Dąbrowska – Cratos as Cognition: Gans and Dumézil in Dialogue on Language and Violence


Girard Memorial Lectures Nagoya, Japan

René Girard Memorial Lectures and Symposium

“Forgive Us Our Debts”

René Girard, Atonement, and Christian-Buddhist Dialogue

a continuing conversation

Saturday, November 5, 2016
Kinjo Gakuin University, Nagoya, Japan
Omori Campus, Room N1-403
11:00 am – 6:00 pm

Musashi Tachikawa   National Museum of Ethnology
Paul Dumouchel          Ritsumeikan University
Jeremiah Alberg          International Christian University
Sumio Takeda               Kinjo Gakuin University (Professor Emeritus)
Kiyoshi Kawahara      Kinjo Gakuin University
Matthew Taylor           Kinjo Gakuin University

Opening words by Matsuto Sowa, President
Institute for the Study of Christian Culture, Kinjo Gakuin University

Almost exactly one year after the passing of René Girard (December 25, 1923 – November 4, 2015), this one day event honors his legacy with lectures and a symposium focusing on the impact of his mimetic theory, particularly on the Christian doctrine of atonement, as well as Christian-Buddhist dialogue. Extending a dialogue begun at the 10th Annual Conference of the Generative Anthropology held at Kinjo Gakuin University in June, 2016, this event brings together prominent Girard scholars (Paul Dumouchel and Jeremiah Alberg), Buddhist scholar Musashi Tachikawa, and scholars associated with Kinjo Gakuin University (Sumio Takeda, Kiyoshi Kawahara, and Matthew Taylor).

This event is supported by the Institute for the Study of Christian Culture of Kinjo University. It is free and open to the public. Lunch is available for 1,000 yen if pre-ordered. Refreshments will be available during breaks. Lectures and discussion will be primarily in English.

Please direct inquiries to:
Matthew Taylor (English)
Kiyoshi Kawahara (Japanese)

For access to Kinjo Gakuin University see:

Tenth Annual GASC in Nagoya, Japan

The Tenth Annual Generative Anthropology Summer Conference was held June 17-19 at the Kinjo Gakuin University in Nagoya, Japan. The organization by Matthew and Emi Taylor and Kiyoshi Kawahara was flawless and included simultaneous translations of many of the papers. The conference was dedicated to the memory of René Girard, who passed away last November.

The conference home page, with links to the program and notes on the speakers, may be found at

Next year’s conference, our eleventh, will be held at the University of Stockholm, Sweden, in early June 2017.

Anthropoetics 21, 2

Anthropoetics XXI, no. 2
Spring 2016

In Honor of René Girard

Jean-Pierre Dupuy – A Tribute to René Girard
Benjamin Barber – Mimetic Drama in Shakespeare’s Sonnets and Byron’s Historicizing Lyricism
Andrew Bartlett – Girard and the Question of Pacifism
Thomas F. Bertonneau – Flaubert’s Tentation de Saint-Antoine: Three Approaches
Chris Fleming and John O’Carroll – Paganism: Promising Promises and Resentful Results
Peter Goldman – Girard and Bakhtin on the Novel
Trevor Cribben Merrill – The Comedy of Desire: Four Variations and a Coda in Homage to René Girard
Richard van Oort – René Girard’s Shakespeare

Katz-Gans Antisemitism Book Launched

On Mach 17, 2016, Adam Katz and Eric Gans participated in a launching presentation of their new book, The First Shall Be the Last: Rethinking Antisemitism (Leiden: Brill, 2015), at the ISGAP headquarters in New York City, 165 E 56th Street, followed by a question period. Their book is the first in a series of studies sponsored by ISGAP (The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy).