Monthly Archives: July 2015

2016 GASC Call for papers


10th Annual GASC (Generative
Anthropology Summer Conference)

Kinjo Gakuin University, Nagoya, Japan
June 17-19, 2016

Cultural Universals, Cultural Specifics, and
On the Applicability of Generative Anthropology

Call for Papers

The Generative Anthropology Society and Conference (GASC) is pleased to announce its 10th annual summer conference, the second in Japan after the 2012 meeting at International Christian University in Tokyo held jointly with the Colloquium on Violence and Religion (COV&R). This time, the conference will be held in Nagoya, in the economically vibrant and historically rich region of central Japan.

Our conference theme is the cross-cultural applicability of GA. Much as its progenitor mimetic theory does, GA makes universal claims regarding the origin and constitution of the human. But it emerges out of a specific location (within Western culture) and has drawn more significantly upon and focused most of its analytical energies on the emergence and development of Western, Judeo-Christian social orders. We invite participants to explore and critically engage GA’s claim to universality in the light of diverse cultural perspectives. With warm memories of our collaboration with COV&R in Tokyo in 2012, we encourage participation from Girardian scholars. Submissions are welcome in (though not limited to) the following areas, particularly as they relate to generative anthropology or mimetic theory:

  • the universality of generative anthropology/mimetic theory
  • culturally specific claims in generative anthropology/mimetic theory
  • inclusivity, exclusivity and cultural “firstness”
  • the global economy and the exchange system
  • globalization, consumerism, and cultural identity
  • East, West and the “Asian century”
  • Westernization, secularization, and the Judeo-Christian legacy
  • Buddhism and Judeo-Christian thought: intersections and divergences
  • religion, myth and folklore in non-Western traditions
  • art, literature and philosophy in non-Western traditions
  • contemporary society and media in Japan and East Asia
  • language universals vs. linguistic relativism
  • the cultural “other” in media, art and literature

Papers may be presented in either English or Japanese. Submit English (or bilingual) proposals of 200-300 words in either Word or PDF format to by 30 April 2016.
For information on Generative Anthropology, see <>. For conference details, contact the chief Organizer of GASC X: We look forward to your submissions!

第10生成人類学会 夏季国際学会開催のご案内



生成人類学会会議(GASC)は、第10回夏季国際学会を開催いたします。日本国内では2012年に東京の国際基督教大学にてCOV&R(the Colloquium on Violence and Religion)と共催して以来、二度目の開催となります。今回は日本の中部に位置し、活気ある経済と豊かな歴史を持つ名古屋での開催です。



□日時 2016年6月17~19日

□会場 金城学院大学 愛知県名古屋市守山区大森2-1723


  • 生成人類学と模倣理論の普遍性
  • 生成人類学と模倣理論における文化的個別性の主張
  • 包含性、排他性と文化的「独創性」
  • グローバル経済と交換システム
  • グローバル化、消費者主義と文化的アイデンティティー
  • 東洋、西洋と「アジアの世紀」
  • 西洋化、世俗化とユダヤ・キリスト教の遺産
  • 仏教とユダヤ・キリスト教の思想:共通点と相違点
  • 非西洋的な伝統における宗教、神話、民間伝承
  • 非西洋的な伝統における芸術、文学、哲学
  • 日本と東アジアにおける現代社会とメディア
  • 言語的普遍性 対 言語相対主義
  • メディア、芸術、文学における文化的「他者」


発表要旨の原稿(英語で発表する方は英語のみ、日本語で発表する方は英日両言語)を、2016年4月30日までに、英語は200~300語、日本語は400~600字で、WordもしくはPDF形式にて、ご所属とご氏名も記して、 にご提出ください。

  • GAに関する詳細。
  • 研究会に関する詳細、お問い合わせ先。 Taylor)

Posted July 6, 2015; Japanese text added 7/18